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February 16, 2025

The World Order Reset: China’s Ukraine Catastrophe, the Rise of Trans-Atlantis, and a New Age of Power

N.S. Lyons:

For China, the newfound unity of this bloc, and its persistent economic and military dominance, is the greatest of all possible problems. It could be a decade or more (if ever) before China and the shabby band of developing countries that could be called its own bloc of pseudo-allies (currently representing at most maybe around 25% of global GDP) can close the economic gap. That really only leaves China with one option in the near term: to somehow split the developed countries of The Sixty Percent, convincing a sizeable part to either join Team China or at least abandon Washington and commit to neutrality. And that means that -- to the certain exasperation of all those young Asianists and others who thought we must surely by now be past such anachronisms -- the future of the geopolitical balance now once again fundamentally hinges on Europe.

Given recent developments re Ukraine and J.D. Vance’s speech at Munich, I finally read this 18,000-word beast from 2022. It’s interesting to see what assumptions he made back then about inexorable global homogenization and how they’ve fared despite the best efforts of elites.

Last updated February 21, 2025